3 Answers. TM. X / Y: The user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokémon around it. Pokemon Platinum Guide TM and HM Locations. Platinum has the same roster of TMs. Pokémon Diamond, Pearl & Platinum TMs Diamond/Pearl held over the same 50 TMs from Generation 3, but added 42 new TMs, taking the total up to a huge 92. commented Jun 18, 2010 by Speed freak edited Jun 23, 2010 by Speed freak. The TM Earthquake is located on Route 22. This section of the guide has been provided by Traffic Monger. TMs vary between generations. O.Ruby / A.Sapphire 99 of every TM, if memory serves. You need strength to shift the boulders in to place in order to get Earthquake. First, choose the move you want, and type it into the calculator. More codes for this game on our Pokemon Platinum Action Replay Codes index Black / White Black 2 / White 2: The user sets off an earthquake that strikes those around it. tms; earthquake; platinum; asked Jun 17, 2010 by pokemonprincess1998. And the 95 Explorer Kits in the Mail slot of the bag does not happen with this. 6 votes . Earthquake: Ground: Wayward Cave (secret entrance under bike path), Battle Tower prize, Pickup (1% chance, lv 91-100) ... TMs. If you're looking for the Generation VI Attackdex, Click here Use surf and waterfall near the end of the route to find a stone moving puzzle. Jul 29th 2009, ID#426 All TMs. Like Diamond & Pearl, Pokémon Platinum gives you access to all 100 TM's and HM's. Most of these are found in the same place as with Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, but there are a few differences No. TMs can be bought in Pokémon Battle Revolution and transferred to a Generation IV DS game via Mystery Gift. Platinum HeartGold / SoulSilver: The user sets off an earthquake that hits all the Pokémon in the battle. Best answer. TM Move Type Availability Price TM02: Dragon Claw: useful it is one of the most awesome moves ever! Make sure you use the first … You can find TM 26(Earthquake) in Wayward Cave or you can purchase one at the Battle Frontier. TM64 is instead given away at random by the Game Corner attendant as part of a TM promotion. It's been a while since I used the code, to be honest, but it does work. TM02 is: This TM was not available before Generation IV; Generation I: Razor Wind: Location Purchase price Sell price R B Y: Celadon Department Store, Rocket Hideout: 2000 1000 Generation II: Headbutt: Location Purchase price Sell price G S C: Ilex Forest, Goldenrod Department Store * 2000 1000 TM01-Focus Punch-Oreburgh Gate-Surf Needed TM02-Dragon Claw-Mt. ... Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: Wayward Cave (Hidden Area, Up stairs at end of the basement) Battle Tower (80 BP) Pickup (Lvl 91-100, 1% Rarity) New Move Modifier – Changes TM 17 (protect) to Any Move [Poketech Calculator Number + Right Trigger] Credit: Baka_Kyuubi84 94000130 fcff0000 b2101d40 00000000 da000000 00111d10 d3000000 00000000 d7000000 020f0c1c d2000000 00000000 Instructions: This modifier uses the Poketech Calculator. Coronet-Strength, Rock Climb, Surf Needed TM03-Water Pulse-Ravaged Path, Surf, Rock Smash Needed TM04-Calm Mind-Exchange for BP at the Battle Frontier Earthquake: Details: Level Up: TM: Egg Move: 5th Gen Dex: 3rd Gen Dex: This AttackDex is for Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver. These changes were later also made in European releases of Pokémon Platinum, as a result of changes in the classification standards at PEGI [1] , including in the United Kingdom English version.

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