It comes with a quick-lock vise which allows you to do the fast clamping. As an Amazon Associate, We earn from Qualifying purchases. The DeWalt DW872 14-Inch Multi-Cutter Saw may very well be the best, most feature-rich metal cutting saw on the market right now. (you can use a fine cut TCG blade on an high speed abrasive saw for cutting aluminum) NOT FERROUS METAL. Light Equipment & Tools ; Brand. DEWALT DW872 vs Evolution Power Tools RAGE3 Blade Size. The base is made of heavy-duty cast aluminum which makes it suitable for industrial metal cutting. Conseils d’achat Comparatifs Avis & Tests produits It comes with four predrilled holes which you can use to bolt down on any workbench. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; It’s a low maintenance tool and doesn’t require very frequent checkups. For my needs, cutting almost entirely aluminum, the DeWalt DW872 works well, and the Evolution Rage2 does not. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "woodwork06a-20"; Βρες τιμές για Makita LC1230 σε 7 καταστήματα στο Skroutz. Include description. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Home & Garden. 2Round tube cut (0° x 0°): 5-1/8 inches The whole adjustment process if very quick on this model. In this review of the DeWalt DWS780 vs Makita LS12161 we will be looking at two compact miter saws that both deliver loads of power, as well as a high level of cutting precision. The DeWalt easily wins the aluminum cutting competition. The Evolution Rage2 and DeWalt DW872 MultiCutter cold cut saws are compared. amzn_assoc_linkid = "aabb196a45912a5c9fb4a84d3ba3f962"; Considering the features of the saw, it’s very affordable and the right investment for the money. In order for the miter adjustments to stay in place during use the DeWalt comes with a hand lock. Power Maintenance & Warranty Smooth Cutting Although they have the ability to miter to produce angled cross-cuts, operating the tool is done by mainly dropping the head downwards and retracting it when it’s made a clean pass through the material. Regardless, Ive tested two of these, The Dewalt 14 inch dry-cut, and the MK Morse 14 inch Metal Devil. amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; Sturdy Build Quality turns at 1300 rpm opposed to abrasive saws 3800 rpm. square tube cut (0° x 0°): 4-3/4 inches Weight and Portability. The Evolution Rage2 and DeWalt DW872 MultiCutter cold cut saws are compared. The miter-saw-design makes it bulkier and heavier, bu… You can make miter cuts upto 0 to 45-degree angle. rectangle tube cut (0° x 45°): 3″ X 4-3/8 inches. Despite being light-weight, this machine … Divi 4.0 countdown. New (3) Items (3) see all. rectangle tube cut (0° x 0°): 3-D/4″ X 7-1/8 inches If you are a beginner, it’s very important to read the user manual before you start using this chop saw. DEWALT DW872 Even though most DIY-ers will be working out of a workshop or … So let us start by taking a detailed look at the Makita LS12161. It has a 14” blade powered by a 15 amp motor, giving you sufficient cutting power for most jobs. Dewalt Products are known for their amazing performance. Category. The tool has wide solid base which provides really good stability and you don’t feel much vibration while using it. It comes with 15 amp 4hp motor which enables the high performance. The DW872 delivers the deepest cuts out of any item on our list (5-3/16 inches deep) so you can chop … An aluminum specific replacement blade is available for the Rage2 saw, but given the cost of the blade, one is better off starting with a saw that will work out of the box. It gives 2.4 RPM in load condition. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Cold saw they aren't but not $5000.00 either. Fast Clamping It can cut very easily without any sparks, burrs or heat. Evolution 355 : 1500 RPM Dewalt DW872 : 1300 RPM Tu y vois une incompatibilité ? amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "acb25b40d381c749c32fc858679d812b"; Filed Under: Tool Comparison Tagged With: Dewalt, Dewalt Dw872 Review, DewaltDw872, Evolution Evosaw380 Review, Evolution Evosaw380 vs Dewalt Dw872, EvolutionEvosaw380. +260976678374 || || Carousel Shopping Centre, Shop Number 113, Lumumba Rd, Lusaka amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "woodwork06a-20"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; It comes with a carbide-tipped blade which gives a constant depth of cut. The DeWalt easily wins the aluminum cutting competition. Blade arbor size is 1 inch. While setting the clamp, you need to take your time, otherwise, the slightly imbalanced blade can cause vibration while cutting. What i really like about the tool that it cuts cold and no coolant is required for the same. Related: dewalt dw872 used evolution saw metal cutting chop saw. Evolution Rage2 vs DeWalt DW872 for cutting aluminum - YouTube It also comes with a chip collection tray that allows you to dispose of the metal chips safely and have a clean working environment. DeWalt Voir la vidéo-présentation. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; It comes with powerful 1800W & 15-ampere motor. An aluminum specific replacement blade is available for the Rage2 saw, but given the cost of the blade, one is better off starting with a saw that will work out of the box. Aug 16, 2019 - Best Metal Chop Saw. Battery Included. It has state of the art cutting capability. Pas DW872 Vs Evo355 . Below are some of the cutting capacity data of the evolution chop saw for 14-inch mild steel. I had a customer that had to try it & thats what happened. It also comes with a chip deflection shield that protects you from metal straying. Read the post thoroughly so that you have a proper idea about the product that you are buying. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; usually 1/10th that price. The DeWalt D28730 is a great choice for all-around jobs and mostly heavy-duty metal cutting tasks. The metal used in cutting is cold which allows you to do the cuts at your disposal whenever you want. Its cutting capability is the forte of this chop saw. Its advanced clamping mechanism is very useful and you can easily clamp the different materials at your comfort. Below are some of the important features that you have to take a look at. the only thing I … According to Company, blade life averages around 1000 cuts for 2*2 inches mild steel. It comes with compression spring which provides better durability than torsion springs. If you are into woodworking or any other industry, chop saw plays a very important role in deciding the effectiveness of your work. Weight and Portability. This saw is very suitable when you are cutting through long stock and you can use it for a long duration without worrying about motor overloading and overheating. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; You can use it to cut different kind of surfaces which includes bar, pipe, tube, angle iron and more. DW872 14" (355mm) Multi-Cutter Saw. The tool has received really good reviews online which gives you an idea about its great build quality. rectangle tube cut (0° x 45°): 3″ X 4-3/8 inches Carbide teeth all over the shop. Price is going to be near the top of the range, but the build quality and feature set put it in a place where it’s worth it. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; The 14” carbide-tipped blade can cut through even 3” solid metal bars and threaded rods. There are some minor issues with vise that you’ll see while using the saw. The compact design and safety features of the product make it perfect for first-time users. See more ideas about metal chop saw, chop saw, dewalt chop saw. 1 DEWALT DW872 14-Inch Multi-Cutter Saw. Dewalt Multi Cutter DW872 Vs. MK Morse Metal Devil CSM14MB. It’s certainly the most impressive we’ve used so far. Découvrez l'ensemble des derniers produits et solutions DeWALT pour les professionnels. You can use it for longer duration without worrying about motor heating or overloading. amzn_assoc_asins = "B085X4HQXN,B07DVRNCYS,B07W3BMBMH,B00O9MT12S"; The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to,,,,, or Home Improvement & Power Tools & Lawn Garden. No you cant put this blade in a normal abrasive type saw, you'll knock the teeth out of it. Get. DEWALT vs. Evolution Power Tools Multi-Cutter Saws Blade Size. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; either of the other two is superior. The DW872’s vice utilizes a quick lock system which means it can be quickly slide forward and then suitably tightened with a hand crank. But some of the claims are not substantiated and I'll get into that. These new "Dry Cut" saws are the next evolution from the old abrasive saws, and do cut better. You can use this tool for cutting various materials which includes square tube, pipe, iron, steel plate, metal roofing and more.It also has a high torque gearbox which helps in reducing the motor load and improves the cutting performance drastically. It would be foolish to invest on these power tools without proper research as these tools cost hundreds of dollars. The article is divided into multiple sections. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Dw872 Yes the 872 is some saw. It comes with powerful 1800W & 15-ampere motor. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; DEWALT (2) Items (2) see all. rectangle tube cut (0° x 0°): 3-D/4″ X 7-1/8 inches. I am going to eventually modify or make a base. 14" Mild Steel Cutting Blade, V-Block, Clamping Handle, Spare Carbon Brush Set, Hex Wrench, Safety Goggles, Ear Plugs and Manual. They need to read engineer this saw especially for the expensive price. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Visionner le PDF navigate_next DEWALT DW872 Lightweight power tools are best for contract workers who need to bring their... Mitering. If you are a professional user and work on high scale projects then it might not be the right fit for you. They are nice for a fast portable saw. The Saw I have (in the picture) is DEWALT DW872 14-Inch Multi-Cutter Saw If I had have seen the one with a rotating head (like a typical wood cutting miter saw, I would have gone that route. In this video I show my newest tool; the Dewalt DW872. Not Specified (1) Items (1) see all. Go through the technical specifications, different features, and Pros & Cons. Cuts like butter. Tools & Workshop Equipment; Business & Industrial. Below are some of the main features of Dewalt model that you should be aware of. Condition. This saw can cut a wide variety of materials which includes non-ferrous and ferrous metals. First of all, the 15.0 amp motor delivers up to 1,300 RPM. The 14-inch carbide blade is suitable for all types of materials, including both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Makita LS12161 Miter Saw Grâce à notre gamme polyvalente d'outils électroportatifs sans fil DEWALT pour le jardin et l'aménagement paysager, vous pouvez vous attaquer à l'entretien … RAGE3 As for the RAGE3, this is basically a compound miter saw with a 28-tooth TCT blade. This chop saw is basically the upgraded version of Steelsaw2 which has been discontinued by the company. Scie à métal DeWalt DW872. Blade arbor size is 1 inch. 02 oktober 2019. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; #BestMetalChopSaw #ChopSaw #MetalChopSaw #DewaltChopSaw #MakitaChopSaw #MetalCuttingSaw #Saw #MetalSaw. Round tube cut (0° x 45°): 4-1/8 inches. amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Evolution Evosaw380"; Below are some of the cutting capacity data of the evolution chop saw for 14-inch mild steel. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Cliquez pour agrandir... Il demandait : "Les machines équipées à l'origine avec un disque abrasif peuvent elles sans problème être équipées par la suite d'un disque au carbure?" It gives 2.4 RPM in load condition. Finally, we choose the rather underrated DEWALT DW872 multi-cutting saw as our number one pick. It has robust build quality and it has a powerful motor and you feel very less vibration while using it. With this there is no need to use specialist tools or screws in order to set the hand lock in place. The DW872 14" Multi-Cutter Saw cuts a wide variety material at a constant depth throughout blade life and cuts four times faster than chop saws. It also comes with 3 years of warranty which also gives you an idea about its durable build quality. It provides you better control and ultimately gives you precise and accurate cuts. RAGE2 and RAGE4 The RAGE2 and RAGE4 have the more traditional look to a chop saw. The process is completely hassled free and you don’t need to use the wrench for calibration. Makita LC1230 It comes with a 14-inch blade that can be used for cutting through both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and it has a cutting capacity larger than any of the other items on our list (up to 5-3/16 inches). By the end we will answer the question of which miter saw is best. It also has a vertical … DeWalt DW872 - Scies circulaires | à partir de 453,20 € | Comparer les prix avec ! 0. It also has decent storage which allows you to store the wrenches quite conveniently. It also has a quick-release vice system which helps you in effortless clamping for different kinds of materials. By spec sheet alone, the Evolution EvoSaw380 seems to solves the shortcomings of both saws, so the EvoSaw380 would worth a look when shopping for a cold cut saw.Amazon Affiliate links:DeWalt DW872 saw: Rage2 saw: EvoSaw380: blade for aluminum: of these saws on YouTube:Rage 2 review: review: with the DW872: CNC's DeWalt DW872 review: original DeWalt DW872 review: for new content:, #DeWalt, #DW872, #DeWaltDW872, #EvolutionPowerTools The product despite being a bit costlier than the other product does its job flawlessly and efficiently. This saw has been a great addition to my shop. Prev. Please provide a valid price range. Price. Selected category All. It also has a very durable metal top as well which allows you to carry it very easily. Though both of these products are of top-notch quality, if one has to choose MAKITA LC1230 VS DEWALT DW872, MAKITA LC1230 will be the winner. This is an Amazon Affiliate Website. Below is a Amazon link to the saw. 2Square tube cut (0° x 45°): 3-D/8 inches There aren’t very many bells and whistles that come with these models. They both are known for their great build quality and performance. Worked great, but the clamp and back fence are junk very chinsy. If you want to get more for your money, you can’t do better than the DeWalt D2872 cold saw. Today, in this article, we are going to talk about two very popular chop saws. If you know how to use the tool, it will last for years without any glitch. Evolution Company is known for making some really good power tools and Evolution EVOSAW380 15 inches chop saw is one of them. Home Okategoriserade dewalt dw872 vs evosaw380. 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