Chapter 44 Atomic Samurai has no sword, no toothpick, nothing. When he is furious, he transforms into a demon that emits a powerful fighting spirit 5. Do-S is later killed by the top-rank A-Class hero, they then separate and the three disciples are with the mercenaries. The disciples later encounter a safe in which the Monster Association executive Evil Natural Water is kept in, but they are no match for the water based monster with their sword techniques. Iaian is shocked that the monster was able to stop the air blade with his long hair. Master Teacher: Atomic Samurai is shown to be very skilled at instructing and raising disciples in the art of the sword. Atomic Samurai and His Disciples According to the databook: 1. 1. According to Fubuki, all of the disciples would be in S-Class if it weren't for Sweet Mask's gatekeeping.[1]. Atomic Samurai, also known as Kamikaze, is the #4 S-Rank hero in the one punch man universe and Earth’s strongest swordsman. 2 … Atomic Samurai Disciples vs Machine God G5. Bushidrill tells Okamaitachi to get it together and goes so far as to call him a dumbass. 1. Regardless, Iaian says they won't have to worry about their master. Bushidrill, Okamaitachi, and Iaian discuss Garou's hero hunt as they await the end of the meeting of the the Council of Swordmasters. This is demonstrated by his three disciples, who are all at the top of the A-Class rank of the Hero Association. He also wonders if there are other powerful monsters like Devil Long Hair, and if so, it would be tough to deal with them. G5: !!? The monster then breaks the tank holding the monsters in an attempt to make Evil Natural Water attack the heroes, but it is attacked and absorbed by the … Event One-Punch Man Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. However, both Iaian and Bushidrill see their comrade's hesitance and give him an annoyed stare. Do-S and Narinki's Private Squad was the battle between Atomic Samurai's disciples Iaian , Okamaitachi, and Bushidrill and Do-S along with her love slaves, Narinki's Private Squad . The monster goes on to say that his Achille's heel is his hair, and he collapses, marking victory for the three swordsmen. While she agrees with Genos that she's capable of reaching the higher ranks of A-Class, she believes she could never reach the top of it, let alone reaching S-Class due Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask, who even Atomic Samurai's three disciples could not surpass, standing at #1 preventing anyone from advancing to S class. Iaian reflects on these words, invigorated by them and determined to follow in the footsteps of other heroes such as Tatsumaki, Pig God, and Atomic Samurai who've surpassed human limits. 3. garou, boros, onepunchman. 2. His hobbies are practicing his swordsmanship and traveling with his disciples. Episode 14 One-Punch Man Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Iaian, okamaitachi, and bushidrill each have … Atomic Samurai's Disciples vs. Devil Long Hair was the battle between the A-Class heroes Iaian, Okamaitachi, and Bushidrill and the Demon-level mysterious being Devil Long Hair. Kamikaze, better known by his hero alias Atomic Samurai, is the S-Class Rank 4 professional hero of the Hero Association. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. The three swordsmen wander through the Monster Association Headquarters taking care of monsters when they run into Devil Long Hair, who recites some haiku poems. Puri-Puri Prisoner vs. Vacuuma. Atomic Samurai Disciples vs Garou poeticwarrior. [2] He manages to save a father and child from Melzargard. Weapons: Katana: Atomic Samurai carries two swords: a katana and a wakizashi. After the disciples enter the Monster Association HQ, they find themselves facing Do-S and her mind-controlled mercenaries. The monster arrives at a vault containing Evil Natural Water and Mad Doctor Fish. Dec 31, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by nono the little bot. Atomic Samurai's Disciples defeat Devil Long Hair. Anime His pride gets him into trouble, though, as he often rushes into battle with the belief that brute force will be enough to win. Atomic Samurai. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Part 2 of Dreams of Disciples; Language: English Words: 12,232 Chapters: 4/4 Comments: 73 Kudos: 145 Bookmarks: 10 Hits: 1194 【原居】S'shozak mok nul. This is demonstrated by his three disciples, who are all at the top of the A-Class rank of the Hero Association, right underneath Sweet Mask himself. Chapter 61 The swordsman then prepares his Air Blade, a long-range attack in the form of a huge blade of wind. Iaian assesses the strength of their opponent, the sharpness of his hair, the dexterity of the hair and its capacity to sneak through the smallest cracks of their armor and body parts. Webcomic 0. Atomic Samurai is shown to be very skilled at instructing and raising disciples in the art of the sword. Wiki Points. Outcome your own Pins on Pinterest Okamaitachi and Bushidrill agree, and the three heroes pounce into the air, prepared to eliminate Devil Long Hair. Prisoners of Smelly Lid Prison, Atomic Samurai's Disciples vs. Sweet Mask vs. Do-S and Narinki's Private Squad Atomic Samurai Disciples vs Machine God G5. The monster stabs his hairs underground and all attack the swordsmen. but Atomic Samurai slays Haragiri before leaving with his disciples (Bushidrill, Iaian and Okamaitachi) to find the Monster Association base. Be sure to check out r/onepunchmanvsbattles. Location Seeing their attacks do nothing to Melzargard, Iaian tells them to retreat and find a solution to defeat it, but his pleas are ignored. Atomic Samurai has three A-Class disciples. They wonder what their master would do in such a situation, and they reminisce on a conversation they had with their master before. Forum Posts. Combatants Atomic Samurai's Disciples vs. Devil Long Hair Monster Association Arc Okamaitachi looks behind him, and sees a strand of hair about to attack him, but Bushidrill slices the hair before it can strike Okamaitachi. Sweet Mask vs. Do-S and Narinki's Private Squad, Garou vs. Unihorn, Showerhead and Super Mouse, Flashy Flash vs. Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame, Atomic Samurai's Disciples vs. Do-S and Narinki's Private Squad, Puri-Puri Prisoner vs. Fight Chronology Atomic Samurai’s greatest attributes are marked with a “★” for emphasis and to quickly find again (special thanks to darthant66 for this idea). Close. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Atomic Samurai's disciples are all skillful swordsmen under the tutelage of the hero and rank just below Sweet Mask in the A-Class rankings. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Upon seeing Devil Long Hair's attractive looks, Okamaitachi is immediately infatuated by him but tries to resist it due to such a relationship being forbidden love. with influences from such bands as a Day to remember,gojira, motionless in White, five finger death punch and masterdon. Part 2 of Dreams of Disciples; Language: English Words: 12,232 Chapters: 4/4 Comments: 73 Kudos: 138 Bookmarks: 11 Hits: 1106 【原居】S'shozak mok nul. Manga Debut Duration 1. Arc Meanwhile, Bushidrill warns Okamaitachi of a surprise underground attack. Atomic Samurai and His Disciples are a group of heroes who specialize in swordsmanship. Atomic Samurai's disciples. After fighting Devil Long Hair, the three A-Class swordsmen continue to venture throughout the labyrinth of the Monster Association, when they come across Evil Natural Water, who manages to defeat all of them and put them in near-death states. Monster Association Raid He is saved by his master and is ordered to stop bleeding. Atomic: hey, I've gone past 23 moves already, wanna recalculate? He cannot steal one of his disciples’ swords either. Devil Long Hair's defeat is an example of an ironic defeat, as the hair that he loved so much is pared by the three swordsmen. Iaian, unsure of the opponent's power, tells Okamaitachi to use his Air Blade technique to see how Devil Long Hair would respond. Monster Association Headquarters Eventually, they decide to return and save the mercenaries from Sweet Mask, who was about to slaughter them. [3] One of Melzargard's attacks tears Iaian's arm off. Atomic Samurai (No weapons) vs His 3 Disciples. Abilities and Techniques Devil Long Hair However, Iaian is confident he can cut him in half even while he's guarded. Professional Power Scaler. 12 mars 2017 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Léo. The monster explains what Evil Natural Water is and why it's kept in a tank. The team consists of the S-Class hero Atomic Samurai and his A-Class disciples Atomic Samurai and his 3 disciples....And saitama Day 28 Atomic Samurai According to Hellish Blizzard, they would've joined their master were it not for Amai Mask: Iaian (イアイアン, anime: Iairon), Rank 2, is a disciple who wears an iron helmet and wields a long sword so that he resembles a medieval knight. 4. Atomic Samurai's Disciples vs Devil Long Hair (Revision) ... Atomic Samurai kept blocking each attack with one hand as G5 kept attacking but Atomic counted each slash. May 4, 2019 - 30 Day challenge for One punch man day 28! Iaian accompanies Atomic Samurai to the Hero Association Headquarters in A-City, when the city is suddenly demolished by the Dark Matter Thieves. Iaian later observes the fight between Melzargard and the heroes Atomic Samurai, Bang, Puri-Puri Prisoner and Metal Bat. 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62 • 63 • 64 • 65 • 66 • 67 • 68 • 69 • 70 • 71 • 72 • 73 • 74 • 75 • 76 • 77 • 78 • 79 • 80 • 81 • 82 • 83 • 84 • 85 • 86 • 87 • 88 • 89 • 90 • 91 • 92 • 93 • 94. User Lists: 0 #1 Edited By poeticwarrior. 157 votes. The swordsman then tells his partners to not follow the hairs with their eyes, but to feel the murderous aura emanating from the hair and counter with their reflexes. They proceed to dispatch those monsters together until a Demon-level threat, Devil Long Hair suddenly appears and the three disciples are separated from the mercenaries, leaving the three swordsmen to deal with the Demon-level threat on their own. Mar 12, 2019 - 30 Day challenge for One punch man day 28! R1: The 3 disciples Vs Speed'O'Sound Sonic (pre-meeting Saitama) R2: Vs Zombieman (with katana and axe only) R3: Same as R1, but with Sonic from the Deep Sea King arc instead (with weapons) [4] After the monster is defeated, Atomic Samurai helps Iaian retreat to safety. The swordsman thanks his comrade, and Bushidrill comments on Devil Long Hair's strength. Manga We are a four piece original metal band. Reviews: 0. Iaian tells them to calm down and reminds them of the severity of the situation they're in. IaianOkamaitachiBushidrill Iaian, Okamaitachi, Bushidrill and the mercenaries soon encounter many monsters of the Monster Association. The three swordsmen hold their own against the hair attacks, although they quickly become trapped and entangled by the hundreds of hair strands. Atomic Samurai and his 3 disciples....And saitama Day 28 Atomic Samurai Iaian also theorizes that Devil Long Hair's hair can also perform piercing, binding, restraining, throwing, and severing attacks. Iaian agrees, saying that Devil Long Hair was a terrifying opponent with great offense and defense. Tags. Anime Debut They manage to defeat Devil Long Hair after having an intense battle against the monster. Unfortunately for the heroes, Devil Long Hair is not afraid, telling the A-Class heroes they know nothing of the terror of his hair, and blocking the long-range attack with his hair. Injured Garou (post battle with Watchdog Man and being kicked In this flashback, Iaian asks his master how they should interpret the prophecy Madame Shibabawa warned of, and what they should do against a monster so powerful that it couldn't be defeated by humans. Follow 3902. Atomic Samurai As a member of the S-Class of superheroes, Atomic Samurai holds his ranking very seriously, even refusing to shake Saitama's hand because he's a B-Class superhero. 5 hours ago. 2019/09/20 - このピンは、Lw83kU6Kさんが見つけました。あなたも Pinterest で自分だけのピンを見つけて保存しましょう! Can’t fight with anything but his bare hands. by STcoyote Fandoms: ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man Mature; Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con; M/M; Work in Progress; 28 Aug 2019. Chapter 104, 110 This is Iaian's first battle that has not been interrupted and finished by another hero. Atomic Samurai is ranked 16th in the character popularity poll. Devil Long Hair attacks with several more hair strands, while Iaian looks at what they're up against: approximately 100,000 strands of hair against their three blades, and tells Okamaitachi and Bushidrill to not let their guard down. Discover (and save!) Posted by. Okamaitachi is amazed they won by only rushing him and cutting his hair. [5] After Atomic Samurai kills the monsterized Haragiri, he declares that instead of focusing on Garou, the group will strike the Monster Association first.[6]. Thoughts on A.S as a character and on his abilities and relationships with other characters? Atomic Samurai's disciples vs Tank Top Master. The team consists of the S-Class hero Atomic Samurai and his A-Class disciples Iaian, Okamaitachi, and Bushidrill. The monster tells him that this news strikes him like "a bolt from the blue". Manga Atomic Samurai's Disciples defeat Devil Long Hair Vote. Respect the S-Class Rank 4 hero, Atomic Samurai. Webcomic G5. Atomic Samurai replies by saying that they will have to become beyond a human. IaianSwordsmanshipOkamaitachiSwordsmanshipAir BladeBushidrillSwordsmanship What he likes are his disciples, worthy opponents, people with great strength, and washed fundoshi (Japanese-style loincloth). Tags. Read Atomic Samurai vs Black S from the story The Youngest Esper (One Punch Man x OC) by DeadMC55 (Handsome Dead) with 527 reads. Previous discussion. Atomic Samurai has a rather prideful personality, as seen when he refused to shake Saitama's hand, telling him that he only acknowledges the strong and saying that he would greet him properly only if he makes it to the higher ranks of S-Class, indicating that he is quite biased in how he perceives a person, since he only looks at Saitama's appearance and not his inner power. In an S class meeting where the tank toppers and the three disciples are waiting outside, Tank top Black hole hit on Okamataichi due to mistaking him for a woman, which turns into a quarrel due to 'taichi's teasing. Evil Natural Water, Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki vs. Overgrown Rover, Atomic Samurai and His Disciples are a group of heroes who specialize in swordsmanship. 0. by STcoyote Fandoms: ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man Mature; Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con; M/M; Work in Progress; 28 Aug 2019. He is a sword master and a member of the Council of Swordmasters. Devil Long Hair blocks Okamaitachi's Air Blade. Beginning Garou2. Followers. 244 likes. Like leafy greens drown in salt, you will drown in my hair. Information Atomic Samurai and his 3 disciples....And saitama Day 28 Atomic Samurai Next and the leader of the Atomic Samurai and his Disciples. Mar 12, 2019 - 30 Day challenge for One punch man day 28! Bushidrill displays some jealousy over such a divine technique that's impossible to replicate. Webcomic Debut An unseen battle takes place between the three swordsmen and the mysterious being, and after this hard-fought battle, Devil Long Hair's hair has been pared. However, they are interrupted by Sweet Mask who tells them to leave Do-S and the mercenaries to him. Devil Long HairHair Manipulation Who would win if Garou faced them at different points in the story?1. You must be logged in to vote. The three swordsmen wander through the Monster Association Headquarterstaking care of monsters when they run into Devil Long Hair, who recites some haiku poems. Okamaitachi mocks Bushidrill by asking if he's jealous, and the swordsman replies by asking if he can cut Devil Long Hair up. Atomic Samurai's Disciples cut the monster's hair. Atomic Samurai's Disciples chase down a monster that managed to escape their initial attacks. Atomic Samurai's disciples recently fought a squad using power armor, parrying and holding their strength at bay, even when outnumbered. Battle to the death. What he dislikes are weaklings, being called a weakling, interviews, and bothersome things. Disciples. Haragiri tries to kill Atomic Samurai (as Atomic Samurai is too much of a threat). Iaian unsheathes his sword, closes his eyes, and pares the strands of hair. Devil Long Hair scoffs, and tells them they'll drown in his hair. discussion. Bushidrill adds onto this by saying that it was a close battle, and by themselves, they wouldn't have been able to keep up. Media Agreeing with his comrade's words, Okamaitachi's resolve becomes clear, and he tells Devil Long Hair that he's unable to "reciprocate his feelings". Chapter 50 With you and never miss a beat, although they quickly become trapped and entangled the... Swordsmen hold their own against the monster Association HQ, they are interrupted by Mask! T fight with anything but his bare hands of Smelly Lid Prison, Atomic Samurai 's disciples cut the.! Jealous, and the heroes Atomic Samurai ( no weapons ) vs his 3 disciples.... and saitama Day!! To calm down and reminds them of the hero and Rank just below Sweet who. 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