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Performance-Based Criteria as the Basis for Determining Laboratory Animal Housing Standards. h�24�0U0P�635RA ��f : � 9�� h�2445W0P�65�RA f : � ;#� �F * � 0�l && : � 9D� && * � 0Lc h�2443W0P�65�RA FF : � :e� endstream endobj 1622 0 obj <>stream h�240�T0P�641RA Category: Medical The author of the book: Sarah Wolfensohn ISBN-13: 9780470655498 Edition: Wiley-Blackwell (an imprint of John Wiley & Sons Ltd) Date of issue: 15 April 2013 Format files: PDF, EPUB, TXT, DOCX h�2440P0P�664RA Ff : � :�� endstream endobj 1522 0 obj <>stream Labelling of the cages 7. h�2424T0P�675RA endstream endobj 1611 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1577 0 obj <>stream �& : � :�� endstream endobj 1543 0 obj <>stream ff : � ;J� h�2423U0P��47RA Objective of the training program: To train technical staff of ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute for enriching their knowledge along with skill in management, care and handling of laboratory animals according to the animal welfare and ethical norms. endstream endobj 1588 0 obj <>stream This new book contains a wealth of up to date and practical information and advice within a relatively small volume of 249 pages. hެ�[k�@���>�H�[.D0jj����� �E���ݍ����/��9�|�f#�(a1��!�纠�s|����9�L����8M >�mq��������x>��:հ������舧y��Ĵ��e6!�Q�$��!D�BB�B]����Q}y�d^��+��~���;�NK봌��:FS���� � $ �H 5���L��Nz��VA��4���������J�lMzZ�W;o��m�����9��vz r��پ�`�Y���hg#݀���Jb��1��w�%� zs�I �& : � :M� �f * � 0�l endstream endobj 1627 0 obj <>stream h�2403T0P�645RA �f : � 9�� It provides pivotal biological information, introduction to major diseases, and therapy for common conditions in laboratory animals. endstream endobj 1520 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1688 0 obj <>stream �F : � 9�� endstream endobj 1711 0 obj <>stream � : � :}� h�24��T0P�633RA �f& : � :8� endstream endobj 1579 0 obj <>stream f * � 0�l h�2442S0P�614RA application/pdf f : � :�� h�2422U0P��04RA Download full version PDF for A Manual For Laboratory Animal Management Manuals In Biomedical Research Vol 5 using the link below: � : � ;�� 2012-04-17T08:54:24Z h�24�0U0P�625RA Animal Care and Management at the National Zoo: Final Report (2005) Science, Medicine, and Animals (2004) The Development of Science-based Guidelines for Laboratory Animal Care: Proceedings of the November 2003 International Workshop (2004) Animal Care and Management at the National Zoo: Interim Report (2004) endstream endobj 1623 0 obj <>stream Aims & Scope About the Editors endstream endobj 1710 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1626 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1655 0 obj <>stream �& : � : � endstream endobj 1491 0 obj <>stream h�2446S0P�615RA h�2420U0P�676RA Qualified veterinarians and … f&& : � :P� %PDF-1.6 %���� h�2443T0P�655RA #{�uK�F���U�sf��΄��֫� Laboratory Animal Management: Dogs discusses how to assemble a proper research protocol and how to handle conflicts. endstream endobj 1535 0 obj <>stream �f : � 9�� h�2443V0P�6SA h�2427P0P���4RA Laboratory animal care is the application of veterinary medicine and animal science to the acquisition of laboratory animals and to their management, nutrition, breeding, and diseases. �� nP,@� :�� h�2406W0P�6��A endstream endobj 1555 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1707 0 obj <>stream �F& : � 9�� h�2425P0P��44RA h�2446R0P�61�RA h�2421P0P��07RA �� *d����C��ѯ�;�٘��~掳�8)㤌�2NJ>����g�y&�g��~.h\�_�0��ɝ�]��U��ը������C���ò�'��!�A�a$ם�Q��@T *eu �F#�[�! 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Ff& : � :n� ƖF : � 9�� � : � :G� &�F : � 9\� endstream endobj 1706 0 obj <>stream Healthy and well being of lab. Laboratory Animal Science in Latin America is a young universe, and although having scientists and institutions of excellence it is not easy to come to a common end when legal trends are discussed. h�2440S0P�666RA ), in addition to the investigator’s notations in their laboratory notebook. endstream endobj 1605 0 obj <>stream Education and Training in the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: A Guide for Developing Institutional Programs. endstream endobj 1559 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1634 0 obj <>stream h�24�0S0P�635RA h�2401U0P��4�A endstream endobj 1496 0 obj <>stream h�2422Q0P��00RA endstream endobj 1567 0 obj <>stream h�242�T0P�671RA �f : � :� h�2412U0P0412S�4S���w�VHK�)N�w����/�M��wvT0�3������*�;*�����&g���T��V���$���''���@���4l �ƃ�� ��>; �& : � ;D� f& : � 9�� h�240�T0P�622RA h�24�0Q0P�621RA endstream endobj 1556 0 obj <>stream �F : � :�� [PubMed: 25144011] h�24��P0P�670RA h�2423T0P��45RA h�2421V0P��� QA &F& : � 9�� h�2426W0P��0�RA 11) endstream endobj 1477 0 obj <>stream h�2445Q0P�652RA �f : � :)� h�242�T0P��03RA 2012-04-17T08:54:24Z endstream endobj 1696 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1576 0 obj <>stream h�2446U0P�615RA endstream endobj 1509 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1499 0 obj <>stream : � :�� However the laboratory animal care and management are regulated by the Standard. endstream endobj 1680 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1497 0 obj <>stream h�24�0V0P�62QA h�24��P0P�660RA �F : � 9k� h�244�T0P�661RA h�24�4W0P�6��RA F : � :�� endstream endobj 1468 0 obj <>stream h�2446Q0P�611RA These can be controlled by 0.5% insecticidal sprays or 10% DDT. h�2426U0P��05RA h�24�0Q0P�631RA endstream endobj 1699 0 obj <>stream o General lighting should provide 30-35 foot candles when measured 1 meter from the floor o Higher level lighting should be used when animal care tasks require enhanced visibility. endstream endobj 1601 0 obj <>stream �� nP,@� :G� & : � :�� �&& : � 9�� D%�E#F#���r�@T *�*�S)�F The seminal reference on the care of laboratory and captive animals, The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals is a must-have for anyone working in this field. FF& : � : � The Welfare of Laboratory Animals PDF.. endstream endobj 1641 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1656 0 obj <>stream The article 3 in the Standard describes six sections namely, 1, Health endstream endobj 1587 0 obj <>stream h�24�0S0P�625RA endstream endobj 1607 0 obj <>stream F : � :_� 4. in laboratory animal facilities, various concerns on personal protection and biosafety equipment, facility design, working practices and waste management are addressed in this document, mainly with respect to small animal facilities. endstream endobj 1599 0 obj <>stream h�2442P0P�6�4RA &�F : � 9�� It is difficult to harmonize procedures with such a large number of countries and diverse backgrounds. F : � 9�� �& : � :�� endstream endobj 1673 0 obj <>stream & : � :A� endstream endobj 1667 0 obj <>stream h�242�T0P���0RA F& : � :G� f& : � :�� h�2442Q0P�610RA ��f : � 9�� endstream endobj 1663 0 obj <>stream h�2405T0P�644RA h�2401T0P�67�A �f& : � :�� endstream endobj 1609 0 obj <>stream F : � :h� h�2440T0P�664RA endstream endobj 1682 0 obj <>stream Outlined are procedures for institutional animal care and use and committee review. h�2406T0P�66�A � : � ;-� �� nP,@� : � h�244�T0P�6�0RA F& : � :P� endstream endobj 1668 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1505 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1532 0 obj <>stream h�2405U0P�646RA Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare, Third Edition @inproceedings{Wolfensohn2003HandbookOL, title={Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare, Third Edition}, author={S. Wolfensohn and M. Lloyd}, year={2003} } f�F : � :�� �& : � 9�� h�24��T0P�660RA Corpus ID: 148365993. endstream endobj 1466 0 obj <>stream h�2441V0P�6� QA �& : � ;;� endstream endobj 1519 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1709 0 obj <>stream Health and safety in laboratory animal facilities (Laboratory animal handbooks No 13) . endstream endobj 1705 0 obj <>stream h�2423R0P��4�RA h�2424R0P�67�RA h�24��P0P�633RA h�2443S0P�657RA &�F : � 95� h�2426R0P��0�RA &F : � :>� h�2420Q0P�672RA endstream endobj 1638 0 obj <>stream <. : � : � endstream endobj 1603 0 obj <>stream Health and safety in animal facilities 67. h�2442T0P�6�4RA f& * � 0�l h�2425Q0P��42RA endstream endobj 1657 0 obj <>stream This fourth edition retains all the classic features that have made it a must-have reference including emphasis on best practice in order to improve animal welfare. hޜ���%5F_�o0��sYZmBH�Vd� �"�.o�}}j�Xt{��;�.�|_�=]���u��q�H�hS�;�f�w�-NN�������d��;X���ٚQt��Έ�oҺ����m�u�����{5����ʊ����Ѥg�(�h<1�bw!����~�{��� �&���65�����ҽR��=�Z�1��!���������7?���&{P^_�|��o��˟^?��w��u$�p� �
This bestseller has been an essential book for all those working with laboratory animals since it was first published in 1994. Most laboratory rats are outbred albinos. h�242�P0P��41RA Diet 3. endstream endobj 1546 0 obj <>stream h�2406R0P�6��A h�242�P0P��40RA endstream endobj 1586 0 obj <>stream Download EBOOK Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare PDF for free. h�2447R0P�6��RA h�24�4Q0P�6�0RA endstream endobj 1597 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1526 0 obj <>stream fF : � :�� endstream endobj 1537 0 obj <>stream h�2424Q0P�673RA * � 1u h�242�T0P��41RA h�2420V0P�67QA endstream endobj 1648 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1624 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1544 0 obj <>stream h�2425V0P��4QA The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) endorses the use of performance based criteria as the main determinant in establishing the standards of housing for animals housed within the research environment. h�2440R0P�66�RA endstream endobj 1483 0 obj <>stream �&& : � 9�� endstream endobj 1669 0 obj <>stream �f : � :g� endstream endobj 1575 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1548 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1675 0 obj <>stream h�2422V0P��0 QA &f : � :_� Ff : � :�� 4. 1999. �F : � 9�� endstream endobj 1694 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1561 0 obj <>stream h�2442U0P�614RA h�240�P0P�63�A Summary This chapter contains sections titled: Choosing an anaesthetic Preoperative care Pre‐anaesthetic drugs General anaesthesia: inhalation or injection? �f& : � 9�� endstream endobj 1670 0 obj <>stream ƆF : � 8�� h�2403R0P�64�RA endstream endobj 1681 0 obj <>stream h�24�4P0P�627RA &�f : � 9�� endstream endobj 1554 0 obj <>stream h�2407U0P�624RA h�244�T0P�651RA ��F : � 9�� �& : � 9z� endstream endobj 1640 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1508 0 obj <>stream h�2425U0P��46RA h�2402U0P�64�A ��F : � :)� endstream endobj 1530 0 obj <>stream h�2445R0P�65�RA f * � 14u ��f : � :)� F�F : � 9�� Rats are less active and aggressive than mice. Temperature and humidity control:- Air conditioning is an effective means of regulating these environmental parameters for laboratory animals. 0. D. Laboratory Animal care 08 1. F * � 0�l endstream endobj 1512 0 obj <>stream �& : � 9�� h�24�4U0P�6�4RA endstream endobj 1621 0 obj <>stream �&& : � :8� NRC (National Research Council), Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, Committee on Educational Programs in Laboratory Animal Science. f�F : � 9�� endstream endobj 1580 0 obj <>stream by Sarah Wolfensohn, Maggie Lloyd January 2013 This bestseller has been an essential book for all those working with laboratory animals since it was first published in 1994. h�2441W0P�6��RA endstream endobj 1490 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1539 0 obj <>stream h�244�P0P�661RA ��F : � 9�� h�2443P0P�655RA 3. *� In the Japanese regulatory system in laboratory animal welfare, the animal experiments are positively supported for the advancement of biomedical science and the development of medical technology. h�244�T0P�6�0RA h�240�P0P�641RA ... colony management and the installation of automatic light timers, portable humidifiers and air ... before reuse. Litter 5. endstream endobj 1643 0 obj <>stream h�2405Q0P�642RA f`nP,@� ;;� endstream endobj 1479 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1474 0 obj <>stream Animal welfare is attracting increasing interest worldwide, but particularly from those in developed countries, who now have the knowledge and resources to be able to offer the best management systems for their farm animals, as well as potentially being able to offer plentiful resources for companion, zoo and laboratory animals. h�2421S0P���4RA h�2424V0P�67QA F�F : � 9�� �F : � :� h�2401Q0P��0�A & : � 9�� &�F : � 9�� endstream endobj 1630 0 obj <>stream h�2422W0P��0�RA h�244�T0P�613RA endstream endobj 1610 0 obj <>stream h�2422P0P�6�4RA �f : � :v� Nitro PDF Reader (1. h�2424S0P�677RA endstream endobj 1631 0 obj <>stream h�2445V0P�65QA f� nP,@� :�� h�24�0T0P�636RA h�242�P0P�6�0RA endstream endobj 1695 0 obj <>stream 1991. endstream endobj 1549 0 obj <>stream The rat is the second most commonly used animal in biomedical activities, surpassed only by its relative, the mouse. h�2406P0P�66�A 0. endstream endobj 1564 0 obj <>stream �F : � :Y� Miscellaneous health and safety hazards and risks 71. � : � :�� f : � ;#� h�240�T0P�6�0RA h�2446P0P�616RA F& : � :>� h�2446W0P�61�RA h�24��P0P�623RA endstream endobj 1569 0 obj <>stream h�24�0W0P�63�RA h�2441S0P�6�4RA endstream endobj 1566 0 obj <>stream h�2420T0P�674RA & * � 0�l f�F : � 9�� Rabbit (Fig. endstream endobj 1518 0 obj <>stream Supply and Transport 63. � : � :�� Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. �& : � :w� h�2407P0P�6�4RA endstream endobj 1553 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1613 0 obj <>stream F�F : � :_� h�2401S0P��4�A Laboratory Animal Research (LAR) was founded in 1985 as the official journal of The Korean Association for Laboratory Animal Science (KALAS). � nP,@� :8� � : � ;2� h�240�P0P�6�0RA h�2443R0P�65�RA h�242�T0P��40RA In general, major surgery and euthanasia should not be performed in rooms where animals are normally housed or where other conscious animals are undergoing procedures. ��F : � :)� h�2426Q0P��01RA �F * � 0ac h�244�P0P�6�0RA endstream endobj 1482 0 obj <>stream h�2406U0P�65�A h�240�T0P�640RA Ɩf : � 9�� endstream endobj 1495 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1506 0 obj <>stream � : � :�� ff& : � :�� fF : � :�� h�2440Q0P�662RA �f : � :�� F�f : � 9�� h�2407W0P�62�RA h�24�4S0P�6�4RA Acknowledgements 74 endstream endobj 1533 0 obj <>stream Consistently delivered quality programs of husbandry and veterinary care provide the foundation that enables valid scientific research. �� nP,@� 9�� endstream endobj 1642 0 obj <>stream h�2425W0P��4�RA h�2444T0P�665RA endstream endobj 1487 0 obj <>stream ��F : � 9M� stream endstream endobj 1472 0 obj <>stream
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