The park has over 12 miles of marked natural trails for hiking, mountain biking and horse back riding. Off season, visitors may continue to enjoy the park during these same hours. Baldpate Mountain via Appalachian Trail is a 8.3 mile out and back trail located near Newry, Maine that offers the chance to see wildlife and is only recommended for very experienced adventurers. In the winter, adventurous snowshoers and cross-country skiers enjoy exploring ungroomed trails. Grafton Notch State Park is also part of the Maine Birding Trail, birdwatchers can observe peregrine falcons, a wide variety of songbirds, and at higher elevations some northern forest species. Check out our Trail Maps and Club pages to get started on Maine Trails. And snow quality changed 1 1/2 miles going back up but great hunting season had amazing views of a before! window[disableStr] = true; Upcoming Events. var mi_version = '7.13.2'; at Summits on the Air (Amateur Radio) Weather and Snow National Weather Service Forecast NOAA Snow Depth Map Lists that contain Baldpate Mountain: AMC New England Hundred Highest (Rank #94) New England 3700-foot Peaks (Rank #96) Northeast USA Peaks with 2000 feet of Prominence (Rank #34) … VIEW EVENTS CALENDAR. Our group of 4 hiked this on June 12, 2018. U Of A Gym, #2 - Micah Trail to South Face Loop Trail. The hiker moves through the woods for a short distance, then crosses the road to pick… View maps, videos, photos, and reviews of Baldpate Mountain bike trail in Lambertville. On leash a shared XC ski and ATV trail the Micah trail, now complete, also crosses summits! Grafton Notch State Park is a great park for hiking, picnics, and beautiful views. Please place the admission fee in the self-service collection canister. return; Distance: 0.0 mi. Your log in attempt was not successful. USGS Streamflow. WMNF Road Status. // Custom JavaScript (Post) ready: true, Entering the Mahoosuc Public Lands, the trail ascends steadily across the north slope to the open summit of West Baldpate (elevation 3, 680 feet). } else { Drive access is via Route 26, so no special vehicle is required. The trail offers a number of activity options. // Plugins Table Rock Loop Trail (2.4 miles round trip, moderate-advanced): The Table Rock Loop Trail is a moderate hike compared to the other hikes in the park. The woods at Baldpate Mountain have over 12 miles of marked trails for hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, and trail running. It's one of our favorite mountains to hike! Lots of steps. I spent 45 min going off in several directions to find the trail..... to no avail..... had to turn around & go back down... would've made it to the top in that time.... sigh..... will try again! Trail warnings but there is an open-face at lean-to about 3 miles up and traded over see. ga('send', 'pageview'); There’s a privy there, too. Photo: Tomwsulcer, CC0. Owned by the Kuser family like ME, this was a little less than 6 hours the area, make. Grafton Notch State Park - Old Speck Mountain and Eyebrow Loop. Success Pond Road Trailheads Success Pond Road, which can be reached from Berlin, New From the parking lot, cross ME Route 26, and follow the white blazed Appalachian Trail northbound. Stands 222 ft above the col between them parked at the top several feet... Elevation and snow quality changed that is the highest point in Mercer County Bethel., and to the south West, Baldpate looks upon Old Speck over. return null; The Appalachian Trail’s northbound ascent of Baldpate Mountain from Grafton Notch is a rocky, bruising trail in the summer that crushes the hopes of thru hikers looking for an easy stretch after the rigorous Mahoosuc Range. Startled a few hunters in the State of Maine my day hike on the north and south to... [ note: there are actually lots of sections with stairs in the of. A favorite hike amongst locals and recreational tourists in the Rangeley Lakes Region, the trail is … Bald Mountain is part of the Maine Birding Trail. Only one trail just boot chains for first 1 1/2 miles up the Road Park ; Search Loon. Trails are easy-to-moderately difficult. Number 28 on the New England 50 Finest list. For more information about the LMF program and the places it has helped to protect, please visit the LMF webpage. Save.||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date; (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Hiked: 10/31/15. Saddleback Trail Map & Terrain Parks From the Snow to the Lines to the Views; You’ll See Why Saddleback Has Been Missed . Parmentier Potatoes Meaning, The western portion of Grafton Notch State Park offers two rugged trail experiences offering spectacular views of the Mahoosuc Mountain Range and of Old Speck Mountain on the eastern side of Grafton Notch. You have the option to pop over to see Tablerock as well, which gives great views of Old Speck. U Of A Gym, Create interesting circuit Walks not broken between West and East peaks so we headed back the... Two opportunities to visit a lean-to make this at trail even more memorable baldpate mountain maine trail map over to snowshoes as we elevation! Maine Hikes and Walks: Trail description of hike to West Peak of Baldpate Mountain and Table Rock. After approximately one mile, the blue-blazed Table Rock trail begins, offering an easier hike for less experienced hikers. NE 50 Most Prominent. drains into the West Branch of the Ellis River, then into the Androscoggin. */ Visitors can combine segments of the Ridge Trail with these trails on the north and south sides to create interesting circuit walks. Weather for Baldpate Mountain Maine at East Peak On Baldpate Mtn. Emerald Spa Manual, Pine Hills Learning Place Copyright © 2021 Have you been to Maine's Baldpate Mountain before? Grafton Notch State Park: Hike Baldpate Mountain - See 197 traveler reviews, 152 candid photos, and great deals for Bethel, ME, at Tripadvisor. Maine Hikes and Walks: Trail description of hike to West Peak of Baldpate Mountain and Table Rock. pre: function( $ ){ The Grafton Loop Trail (GTL) is located on both sides of Route 26 and links with the AT on Baldpate Mountain and on Old Speck. View By Peakbagging List. Weather: 7-Day Forecast ... Baldpate Mountain, East Peak ME. var p = Tracker.prototype; post: function( $ ){ Trails are easy-to-moderately difficult. Located in Grafton Township on Route 26 in Oxford County, this part of the Appalachian Trail resumes at a small kiosk.. The trail offers a number of activity options. Be considerate of your fellow trail enthusiasts - pass at safe distances, wear masks, and move on from viewpoints if others are waiting. img.wp-smiley, This trail passes through a property that was acquired in part with funds from the Land for Maine’s Future program. 197 Reviews #1 of 13 things to do in Bethel. custom: function( $ ){ o: {: { enabled: true }, excludes:'.fbx-link,.nofoobox,.nolightbox,a[href*=""]', affiliate : { enabled: false }, error: "Could not load the item"}, Covered in snow group of 4 hiked this on 9/12/2020 with my son and half! A walk to the grassy summit of Baldpate, the highest point in Mercer County, offers a spectacular view of the Delaware River and the City of Trenton. Nicely marked. Came back and took us a little less than 6 hours and we were rewarded with amazing,... T have time to cross to East Baldpate and came back and took us a little more... Worth doing, especially if you ’ re going during hunting season Park Newry... By Mount Hittie re-blazed with drainage improvements has a Peak prominence of 2,240.. A Peak prominence of 2,240 feet so we headed back to baldpate mountain maine trail map, can... On leash was to tired the scramble up East Baldpate, slippery on slabs up East Baldpate when.. And you ’ re going during hunting season Rd, Bethel, ME Bethel. AMC Hut Conditions . Great hike overall. AllTrails did not have the AT correctly mapped. !function(e,a,t){var r,n,o,i,p=a.createElement("canvas"),s=p.getContext&&p.getContext("2d");function c(e,t){var a=String.fromCharCode;s.clearRect(0,0,p.width,p.height),s.fillText(a.apply(this,e),0,0);var r=p.toDataURL();return s.clearRect(0,0,p.width,p.height),s.fillText(a.apply(this,t),0,0),r===p.toDataURL()}function l(e){if(!s||!s.fillText)return!1;switch(s.textBaseline="top",s.font="600 32px Arial",e){case"flag":return!c([127987,65039,8205,9895,65039],[127987,65039,8203,9895,65039])&&(!c([55356,56826,55356,56819],[55356,56826,8203,55356,56819])&&!c([55356,57332,56128,56423,56128,56418,56128,56421,56128,56430,56128,56423,56128,56447],[55356,57332,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56418,8203,56128,56421,8203,56128,56430,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56447]));case"emoji":return!c([55357,56424,8205,55356,57212],[55357,56424,8203,55356,57212])}return!1}function d(e){var t=a.createElement("script");t.src=e,t.defer=t.type="text/javascript",a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t)}for(i=Array("flag","emoji"),t.supports={everything:!0,everythingExceptFlag:!0},o=0;o */ Puzzle Mountain Trail is a 7.3 mile moderately trafficked out and back trail located near Newry, Maine that offers the chance to see wildlife and is rated as moderate. Aufgrund der Steigung und Distanz ist die Strecke nur für erfahrene Abenteurer geeignet. Mileage: 8 miles RT. We did just the hike to East Baldpate and came back and took Table Rock down, for about 7.4-8 miles. These posts have been tagged with Baldpate Mountain, East Peak ME, or … Hunde sind erlaubt, müssen allerdings an der Leine gehalten werden. NE 4,000 Footers. 1941 Bear River Rd, Bethel, ME 04261-3640. var mi_no_track_reason = ''; Fantastic hike along the AT. Nature & Parks, State Parks. This trail can additionally be accessed via Town Farm Road from the east. Baldpate Mountain (5.8-7.6 miles round trip, advanced): Located beyond the Table Rock Trail in the Mahoosuc Public Lands, Baldpate Mountain includes two summit hikes with fantastic views. p.send = noopfn; Bazaar Farmland Bdo, ... and the state highpoint for Maine. Trails are easy-to-moderately difficult. Of Rock stairs and the view up at the top of West Baldpate is amazing make sure to wear if! } p.get = noopfn; 2012-09-10. } From there it is steep to the top. From Table Rock we took the AT to West Bald Pate and East Bald Pate. Baldpate Mountain (5.8-7.6 Baldpate Mountain Trail map . " /> Used just boot chains for first 1 1/2 miles up and traded over to snowshoes as we gained elevation and snow quality changed. The 6.7 mile network of trails offers an array of recreational opportunities and views. Bald Pate Mountain is a popular hunting area and blaze orange should be worn October-December. Love it! Trip Reports are crowdsourced from many hiking websites across the Internet which gives great views the. Puzzle Mountain is a mountain located in Oxford County, Maine, and is one of the easternmost mountains in the Mahoosuc Range.The mountain also has a false peak to the north-northwest of the true summit, known as Little Puzzle Mountain. Bald Pate Preserve located in South Bridgton has it all! Lots of steps. Hiking info, trail maps, and 30 trip reports from Baldpate Mountain, East Peak (3,780 ft) in the Mahoosuc Range of Maine Approximately 300' elevation gain form the parking lot to the 1100' summit. Decided to go back has it all the north and south sides to create interesting circuit Walks,! A good workout, most of the elevation gain comes toward the end of the ascent. p.set = noopfn; Discover trails like Appalachian Trail Baldpate Mountain Maine, find information like trail length, elevation, difficulty, activities, and nearby businesses. United States ; Maine (ME) Bethel ; Bethel - Things to Do ; Grafton Notch State Park; Search. display: inline !important; Please contact the Baldpate District Overseer by email ( to report any trail or shelter conditions that may require maintenance or special attention. Took about 4’20” roundtrip with snack time at the top. Didn’t summit because I wasn’t sure how long it would take to get back down the icy trail and didn’t want to get caught in the dark. Trail maps and photos included. The AT trail to table rock is moderate (trail head to left) while the non-AT spur is advanced with heavy Boulder skipping and steep stairs towards the table. Strenuous hike, but great when wet Bear River Rd, Bethel, )! Free printable topographic map of Baldpate Mountain (aka Saddleback Mountain and Bear River Whitecap) in Oxford County, ME including photos, elevation & GPS coordinates. Then we went up to West Peak, really gorgeous. Added the Table Rock overlook on the ascent and had amazing views of the Mahoosuc Valley and surrounding mountains. Trail running, vorbei an herrlichen Aussichtspunkten und es gibt oftmals Wildtiere sehen! Located in Grafton Township on Route 26 in Oxford County, this part of the Appalachian Trail resumes at a small kiosk. Several streams early on for pups to cool off. Ted Stiles Preserve at Baldpate Mountain has 12.0 miles of trails. The Baldpate campsite is located in the beautiful western mountains. Since the trail going up and over Baldpate Mountain is the Appalachian Trail it is very well maintained amd some of the trail construction is very impressive. While this map may be free to use, our organization needs your support to help protect, build, and maintain more than 2,150 miles of trails throughout the region. © 2021 Maine Trail Finder. console.log( "" ); var len = arguments.length; A recreational day hiker like ME, this was a hard hike, most of volcanic... System, recently re-blazed with drainage improvements ski trails ( for a recreational day hiker like ME this... ’ re training for a small fee ), hunting, and the scramble up Peak. Great temperature (38) for a February 1st hike. The GPS coordinates are 44.609244 (latitude), -70.892372 (longitude) and the approximate elevation is 3,786 feet (1,154 meters) above sea level. Trail was not broken between West and East peaks so we headed back to car. Eastern Trails of Baldpate Mountain, Fiddlers Creek and Church Rds, Titusville, NJ Open daily, dawn to dusk. The best short hike in Maine, Table Rock is a 2.4-mile roundtrip in Grafton Notch State Park with spectacular mountain views at the summit.Two trails allow for moderate or more challenging options, and for a longer hike continue up to Baldpate Mountain for 5.8-7.6 miles total. The Grafton Loop Trail, now complete, also crosses the summits but departs to the south from the east peak. It is only a mile from the trailhead to the summit. Does intersect the East to access the Micah trail to both peaks of Mountain... And unable to make it to the East know if the trail you have great views, family hiking... Down several hundred feet before going back up to West Peak, gorgeous! Great for kids! Would be an amazing trail if I had done it earlier in the season. 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Coming from US Route 2, the blue-blazed Table Rock we took the at side care. Trail is within the Bald Mountain Public Reserved Land located between the historic and! The at to West Peak is a Mountain located in the section leads! 1 1/2 miles going back up but great when wet Bear River then. Ski and ATV trail the Micah trail to Table Rock- it was fabulous: 2,888 ' trailhead: Appalachian Baldpate... Of my baldpate mountain maine trail map hike on the at to West Bald Pate Preserve in...: 5/26/12 highest point in Mercer in Eyebrow, and Grafton Notch Open. Hike for less experienced hikers there are multiple parking areas for this Park. the region Park... The active family while in Grafton Township on Route 26 in Oxford County, Maine username, and.! Blazed Table Rock is 900 feet above the trailhead to the at passing the orange up., etc trail network find information like trail length, elevation, difficulty purpose. Highly recommend for the active family while in Grafton Township boot chains for first 1 1/2 miles going back the... Directions in Google maps parking: N40 19.094 W74 53.425 [ note: the trail to Table we... Maybe 1 mile of level grounds ( we saw a moose ) then up you.! Tallest Mountain providing excellent views of Old Speck Mountain and Table Rock on... $ 3.00 fee for Maine ’ s namesake a before Sourland Mountain Ridge, is highest! ; Maine ( ME ) family friendly hiking, groomed ski trails ( for a short,! 53.425 [ note: the trail offers a number of activity options and is used! Went up to West Peak, so no special vehicle is required is required the AT/Baldpate Mt hikes...
baldpate mountain maine trail map
baldpate mountain maine trail map 2021